Inspiration, Self-Care

How to Like Yourself

Being at peace in a crowd, with loved ones, or in solitude is the best superpower you can possess. It also takes the most maintenance and care to master. I am nowhere near mastery, but I am working. I am listening. I am fighting. I am loving. Every tiny bit of these investments brings me closer to inner peace, and I have to say…I like me.

I’m not afraid to say it. I’m unwilling to believe it’s selfish to love myself. I’m silly, creative, caring, smart, driven, and many other brilliant things. I’m proud of myself. Effing PROUD. 👊🏻 Scream your love for yourself, girl. SCREAM. IT. This nonsense that you’re supposed to walk around hidden and meek and quiet and self-conscience and unworthy and invisible is some BS noise that needs to be weeded out of our hearts and heads for good. Done. Nope. Bye. ROAR. 🦁

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